Vivian Maier

I dabble in street photography. I am a recent dabbler so I do not know very many of the masters of the genre. However, the relatively recent discovery of Chicago-area nanny Vivian Maier's work sort of opened the door to street photography for me. Maier was a prolific shooter, and often had the kids she took care of in tow. Her work is brilliant.

Vivid Vivian Maier

Brazilian artist Eduardo Kobra created this beautiful, colorful tribute to Maier. Her work was mostly shot on black and white film so I also made a monochrome version.

Maier in monochrome

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Color Street Photography

I generally prefer producing and seeing street photography in black and white. However, sometimes color works. I guess monochrome gives images that "classic" street photography look, but I do not think photographers should say this should be one way and that should be another, but to just concentrate on creating the best image they can. There are too many rules. Rules are great guidelines--especially for those learning photography--but each artist has the freedom to do a variety of things for any given shot.

As I approached this couple I fired off a shot as they were setting up for a selfie (or is it celfie?). I captioned this image the way I did because at a quick glance the man's profile reminded me of famed comedian Jerry Seinfeld. I liked this scene because of the blue of the sky and in the two glass buildings, and the muted colors of the other buildings and the couple's clothing.

Selfie with Seinfeld

I was fortunate that this woman walked by because I wasn't waiting for any particular shot. I saw her and I saw--I'm pretty sure subconsciously--the golden light from the restaurant and I tilted my camera that was hanging by my navel toward the woman. I am still a bit shy about shooting street photography with the camera up to my face. I fire from the hip over half the time. It's something I have to work on.

Golden arches, golden hair

I noticed this man as I was waiting to cross the street. I hoped that when I got to him that he would still be preoccupied with whatever he was doing on his phone. He did not disappoint. And he was standing right in the middle of the sidewalk! What attracted my attention was his outfit. To many people a plaid pattern is loud or tacky. I would not say that this man's plaid jacket was particularly loud in that the colors are not vibrant, and so it meshed well with the drab, gray day.

Connected and disconnected

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